ET 40 Under Forty: Celebrating Young Leaders

The Economic Times 40 Under Forty is the definitive listing of corporate India’s future leaders. Now, in its 10th year, The Economic Times 40 Under Forty listing has become the beacon for business leadership in India, symbolizing a decade of recognizing and fostering exceptional talent in the business landscape.

The past editions have had names like Adar Poonawalla, Rishad Premji, Deepinder Goyal, Aman Gupta, Vineeta Singh, Siddharth Lal, Ashish Hemrajani, Lakshmi Venu, Kunal Shah, and Rashmi Daga belong to the elite club of ET 40 Under Forty.

The Economic Times 40 Under Forty award ceremony to felicitate the business leaders will be held on 19 July, 2024.


Abhinav Bansal

Nita Ambani

Nita AmbaniReliance Foundation

Abhishek Poddar

Niraj Bajaj

Niraj BajajBajaj Auto

Ajaita Shah

Sanjay Gupta

Sanjay GuptaGoogle, India

Akash Ambani

Anant Goenka

Anant GoenkaRPG Enterprises

Akash Ambani

Shweta Jalan

Shweta JalanAdvent International

Aman Rathee

Rohit Jawa

Rohit JawaHindustan Unilever

Amrit Acharya

Prasoon Joshi

Prasoon JoshiPoet, Adman

Ankit Aggarwal

Vishal Kampani

Vishal KampaniJM Financial

Ankur Bhajanka

Manish Kejriwal

Manish KejriwalKedaara Capital

Ashish Jhina

Uday Kotak

Uday KotakKotak Mahindra Bank

Bhargav Kotadia

Kalpana Morparia

Kalpana MorpariaJP Morgan

Bhavesh Jindal

Harish Salve

Harish SalveSenior Advocate

Deepak Sahni

AM Singhvi

AM SinghviSenior Advocate

Glimpses from Past Events


Qatar Airlines

Wealth 360 One

360 ONE Wealth, earlier known as IIFL Wealth Management, is one of India's leading wealth management firms and part of the 360 ONE group. 360 ONE is the investment and financial advisor to 7200+ relevant families in the High-Net-Worth (HNW) and Ultra-HNW segments, with an AUM of around INR 4,67,000 crores (USD 56.3 bn).

360 ONE Wealth is focused on advising clients to structure, preserve, optimise, and transfer their wealth and legacy. This is consistently achieved through deep research and having the best team of product experts across asset classes.